1. Concessions will be available at most locations
2. Coolers are not allowed at some locations except for one team cooler. Please respect the rules of the individual parks by not bringing coolers, alcohol, and pets. Soft Toss against the fence is also NOT allowed at the parks.
3. NO SEEDS, GUM, OR METAL SPIKES on any TURF FIELDS. These are the rules of the parks deparments. Please respect their turf.
4. Gate Fee: $250/team. This a a flat fee to cover all spectators for a team. Gate fees are subject to change based on locations.
5. Four game guarantee events. Pool play there will be one umpire. Bracket play we will have 2 umpires.
6. Greater Orlando Baseball does allow dual roster players for different age divisions within the same tournament. Dual roster players can only pitch in one age division. Players are not allowed to play on 2 teams in the same age division.
7. 8U-9U will have a 4 run rule per inning including the last inning and Mercy rules are NOT in effect. (9U in pool play only).
8. Rosters should be updated online prior to the first game of each event. This is the manager/coach responsibility to make sure the roster is updated prior to event or an updated roster is turned in to a site director prior to play.
9. Teams should have available copies of birth cerficates and proof of team insurance on hand at each event. Digital copies are also acceptable.
10. Any schedule requests must be received by noon on Tuesday prior to the event. Schedule request will not be taken into consideration after the deadline. Schedule requests cannot be guaranteed and are taken on a first come, first serve basis.
11. Consolation games CAN end in a tie. There will be no extra innings or tie breakers played if the game is tied at the end of regulaton time. The home team will get their at bat if needed, this is not a drop dead time. In the case of a 5 team bracket, the play in game for 3rd place must have a winner in order to advance them to the 3rd place game.
Greater Orlando Baseball events follows NFHS rules with modifications. See modifications below:
13u -5
14u-HS BBCOR .50 -3 or wood bat
no restrictions on 8u-12u as long as bats are not modified or damaged
Pitching limits are at the Head Coaches discretion. Greater Orlando Baseball considers the safety and health of our players to be a high priority and we ask that coaches and parents be mindful of the number of pitches a player throws throughout the weekend. It is the Manager, coaches and parents responsibility to monitor their team. Please do not take advantage of the players.
Any Pitcher is allowed back in the game unless they were removed due to limited visits. Pitchers are allowed 1 visit per inning, on the 2nd visit the Pitcher must be removed.
Removing a pitcher does not count as a visit. (Per NFHS rules.) The coach is permitted to come to the mound for a conference with the pitcher three times during the game. If the pitcher is removed, the conference does not count against this limit of three. After the three conferences have been used, the coach can still come out for a fourth, but the pitcher must be removed from the mound. It is considered a conference as soon as the coach walks across one of the foul lines. During extra-inning games, one conference is permitted in each additional inning. These extra conferences cannot be saved and used in later innings.
Turbo events will only allow 18 outs per player.
Pool Play and Bracket play:
(7u-8u MP/KP) 1 hour and 15 minutes.
(9u-14u) 1 hour and 40 minutes time limit
(16u-18u) 1 hour and 50 minutes time limit
Time limits may be reduced or adjusted at the director's discretion in certain circumstances.
A Texas Tie breaker will be used if time limit is up in Bracket play and Championship Game
Texas Tie breaker: In the event of a tie in Bracket play or the Championship game and regulation time has expired, a Texas tie breaker will be used. The inning will begin with no outs and the last batted out on 2nd base. This will be used until a winner is determined.
Tie Breakers for Seeding Purposes
A. The first tie breaker, if only 2 teams are tied will be head to head. If three or more teams are tied, the following tie breakers apply in the following order, teams will advance to the next tie breaker rule until the tie is broken.
B. Tie breakers
*Note: This calculation is determined by taking total runs scored minus total runs allowed. The maximum run differential per game is +8 or –8. Our system auto defaults to an 8 run differential: example if you win 17 to 2 the score will reflect 10-2.
C. When three or more teams are tied, highest run differential in all pool play games is used in determining all three places. If there is still a three-way tie, the fewest runs allowed is used to determine who advances.
D. When a three-way tie is broken, and the remaining two teams are tied with run differential, the next tie breaker is actual runs allowed in all games. If the teams are still tied, a coin is flipped.
**wins, loses and ties are on a point system. Example, a win is 2 points, a loss is zero points, and a tie is 1 point. The Win/Loss record is determined by this system.
Saturday Pool Play- One umpire
Sunday- Two umpires
Umpire fees should be paid at the plate meeting before the game starts. Failure to pay umpire fee will result in a forfeit by the non-paying team.
If you have any issues with umpire fees and are charged the wrong amount, please see a site director immediately.
Games shall be declared complete games and ended upon fulfillment of any of the following mercy rule criteria. Mercy Rules do not apply when a per inning run rule is in place.
Run Rules do NOT apply in 8u machine or kid pitch. The game will be played to time limit. Run rules do NOT apply on Saturday only in the 9u division. The game will be played to time limit.
A. The first tie breaker, if only 2 teams are tied will be head to head. If three or more teams are tied, the following tie breakers apply in the following order, teams will advance to the next tie breaker rule until the tie is broken.
B. Tie breakers
*Note: This calculation is determined by taking total runs scored minus total runs allowed. The maximum run differential per game is +8 or –8. Our system auto defaults to an 8 run differential: example if you win 17 to 2 the score will reflect 10-2.
C. When three or more teams are tied, highest run differential in all pool play games is used in determining all three places. If there is still a three-way tie, the fewest runs allowed is used to determine who advances.
D. When a three-way tie is broken, and the remaining two teams are tied with run differential, the next tie breaker is actual runs allowed in all games. If the teams are still tied, a coin is flipped.
**wins, loses and ties are on a point system. Example, a win is 2 points, a loss is zero points, and a tie is 1 point. The Win/Loss record is determined by this system.
Extra Hitters (EH) are allowed in Greater Orlando Baseball events. Consequently, a team may choose to bat 10, 11, or more players by listing the additional players as EHs. Further, if a team chooses to bat their entire lineup, they may then utilize free defensive substitutions.
In the event of a forfeit, the forfeit will be recorded at an 8-0 score.
A team may start a game with 8 players and take an out for the 9th player until a player is available at which time the 9th player may enter the game.
Greater Orlando Baseball will not forfieit a team due to rule violations. Players may be removed from the game and the coach is subject to ejection from the tournament. A $100 protest fee must be presented in order to review the alleged violation at the time of occurence. The tournament director shall have final discretion on penalty.
Greater Orlando Baseball allows a DH in all age divisions (except MP) as per high school rules.
Teams may utilize courtesy runners for the catcher or pitcher. Courtesy runners must first come from the pool of eligible substitutes in the dugout. If a team has no eligible substitutes, the player who was the last recorded out shall become the courtesy runner.
It is not necessary for the same substitute player to courtesy run for the pitcher or catcher each time a courtesy runner is utilized; however, if a courtesy runner is used for the pitcher or catcher more then once in the same inning, the same runner must be re-used.
During pool play the home team will be decided by coin flip. Dugouts are on a first come, first serve basis.
During Bracket play, The higher seed has the election of being home team until the championship game.
Championship game: The home team will be decided by coin flip.
Metal cleats are NOT allowed for the 8u-12u divisions. Molded Cleats or Turf shoes must be worn by all divisions, including 13u-18u when playing on turf fields. It is the manager's responsibility to make sure the players have the proper footwear at complexes with turf.
In 8u and 9u, balks will not be called.
A player or coach who is bleeding or who has an open wound shall be prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment has been administered. If medical care or treatment can be administered in a reasonable amount of time, the individual would not have to leave the game. The length of time that is considered reasonable is according to the umpire’s judgment. The reentry rule would not apply to players in case of a bleeding injury. If there is an excessive amount of blood on the uniform, it must be changed before that individual may participate.
The bottom half of the last inning will
not be completed solely for tie-breaker/seeding purposes once the home team has more runs than the visiting team in that inning.
In the event the tournament, or any part of it, is canceled due to rain, fees paid for the tournament shall be treated as follows:
Gate fees are non refundable.
**We will do all we can to get games in on a weekend but are at the mercy of the parks departments on use of fields during weather, updates will be posted on the event website as soon as they are available. Greater Orlando Baseball has right to modify/adjust game times or bracket formats in the event of rain or a one day event.
Games that do not make it to regulation (4 complete innings for a 6 inning game or 5 complete innings for a 7 inning game) due to weather / darkness will be considered a suspended game and will be resumed (if possible) from the point of suspension at the earliest time available. If there is not enough time to resume a suspended game, it will be considered complete and official at the end of the last complete inning. Below are some further points to help illustrate this policy:
If a game is suspended prior to being official and there is not enough time to resume – the game would be considered complete at the end of the last complete inning. If tied at the end of the last complete inning – the game would stand as a tie. If a game is not played, due to weather, the score will be recorded as a 1-1 tie.
A) If one inning hasn’t been completed and the game is suspended and there is not enough time to resume - the higher seed would advance to the next round.
B) If tied at the end of the last complete inning – the higher seed would advance
C) If tied at the end of the last complete inning and the two teams are the same seed from different divisions entering the game – we would revert back to the tie-breaking system in place
D) If the championship game starts and is not able to complete due to weather/darkness and there is no time to resume – the game would be considered official at the end of the last complete inning.
E) If tied at the end of the last complete inning – both teams will be named co-champions.
Top seeded teams could end up with a "bye' in bracket play. This "bye" is counted as a game for the purposes of the minumum game guarantee.
Greater Orlando Baseball DOES NOT honor grade excempted players. We adhere to league age only.
9U: Player cannot turn 10 before May 1st, 2025
10U: Player cannot turn 11 before May 1st, 2025
11U: Player cannot turn 12 before May 1st, 2025
12U: Player cannot turn 13 before May 1st,2025
13U: Player cannot turn 14 before May 1st, 2025
14U: Player cannot turn 15 before May 1st, 2025
16U: Player cannot turn 17 before May1st, 2025
18U: Player cannot turn 20 before May 1st, 2025
8.07.A Fair Ball Arc: There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball.
8.07.B Safety Arc: There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.
8.07.C Pitching Circle: There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge set at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.
8.07.D Pitching Machine: The front leg(s) shall be set at a distance of forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.
8.07.E Recommeded machine speeds for electric machines:
8.07.E.1 36 M.P.H. – 39 M.P.H. for the 7U age division.
8.07.E.2 39 M.P.H. – 42 M.P.H. for the 8U age division.
8.07.E.3 When using the Blue Flame manual machine, it should remain at a setting of 9 at all times.
8.07.F Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder shall not
assume an infield position. All outfielders shall stay behind the baselines.
8.07.G The defensive player listed as pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit.
Rule 8.07.G Penalty: The play continues. After the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking
the result of the play or no-pitch.
Rule 8.07.G Additional Penalty: First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of player from the pitching
position for the remainder of the game.
8.07.H Defensive coaches shall not allowed on the field of play and shall coach from the dugout.
8.07.I The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time.
8.07.J The batting order shall constitute all present players on the team roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. All players on the roster shall bat before returning to the top of the batting order.
8.07.J.1 Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. The ninth (9th) position in the batting order will be declared an out each turn at bat. There is no penalty for not having a 10th player.
Rule 8.07.J.1 Approved Ruling: A ninth (9th) & tenth (10th) player and all subsequent players may
be added to the bottom of the batting line-up as soon as they become available.
8.07.K Teams may use free substitution on defense but the batting order shall remain the same.
8.07.L Teams may bunt a maximum of two (2) times per inning.
8.07.L.1 Fake bunts shall be prohibited. A batter that “shows” bunt is committed to an attempt to bunt or take
the pitch.
Rule 8.07.L.1 Penalty: A batter who swings after “showing” bunt shall be called out and no runners
may advance.
8.07.M The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes.
Rule 8.07.M Comment: A batter that has received less than six (6) pitches and has a count of two (2) swinging
strikes shall have his turn at bat extended on foul balls up to the six (6) pitch limit.
8.07.N A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by announcement from the defensive team.
8.07.O Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches homeplate.
8.07.P A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the
previous batter not on base.
8.07.Q A team may score a maximum of Four (4) runs per inning, including the last inning or record three (3) outs.
8.07.R Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon as the lead
runner is not attempting to advance. “Time” does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule.
Rule 8.07.R Comment: When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be
interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
8.07.S When a batted ball hits the pitching machine, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first (1st) base and all runners shall advance one (1) base.
8u/9u Hybrid division will play 9u rules with a 44' pitching distance and a four run rule per inning all weekend.
Youth sports are experiencing a great shortage on officials, please be kind to the umpires that show up. We will not tolerate coaches and/or parents cursing at umpires or any physical altercations. Umpires should be open to discussion presented in a professional way. Coaches, you are responsible to keep your team, parents, and yourselves in check during play. The tournament director has the decision if a coach, parent, or player need to be removed for behaviorial issues. Coaches are subject to suspension for the weekend or for a defined amount of time. Greater Orlando Baseball reserves the right to remove a team from future events. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Please remember, this is for the kids, and no matter what happens during a game in the grand scheme of life it isn't that important if a call was blown, your team didn't perform, etc. Please be mindful that you are setting examples for children.